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Humane Endpoints and Euthanasia in Animal Experiments《講師:Kazuhiro Yamamoto​》

Animal experimenters should discontinue experimental procedures if they determine that an experimental animal is experiencing distress not anticipated in the plan. Humane endpoints are the criteria for discontinuing experimental treatments or euthanizing animals based on symptoms, etc., which are determined at the planning stage. We describe common humane endpoints, as well as a brief description of methods for euthanizing animals to relieve them of intolerable pain. 

PDF of the PowerPoint document used in this video is available for download. Click on the following link to download.

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For content inquiries, please contact the central office (6nc-educ.jimu@jh.ncgm.go.jp). 

Animal experimenters should discontinue experimental procedures if they determine that an experimental animal is experiencing distress not anticipated in the plan. Humane endpoints are the criteria for discontinuing experimental treatments or euthanizing animals based on symptoms, etc., which are determined at the planning stage. We describe common humane endpoints, as well as a brief description of methods for euthanizing animals to relieve them of intolerable pain. 

PDF of the PowerPoint document used in this video is available for download. Click on the following link to download.

click here for PDF ]

For content inquiries, please contact the central office (6nc-educ.jimu@jh.ncgm.go.jp). 

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