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Pain Level Classification and Perioperative Management of Animal Experimental Procedure《講師:Kazuhiro Yamamoto​》

Animal experimenters are obligated to objectively judge the degree of pain experienced by experimental animals as a result of planned experimental procedures, and to take measures to alleviate the pain. Based on the "SCAW classification", which is widely used as a standard in Japan and overseas, we will explain how to judge the degree of pain in experimental animals due to animal experimental procedures, and also explain perioperative management in highly painful surgeries. 

PDF of the PowerPoint document used in this video is available for download. Click on the following link to download.

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For content inquiries, please contact the central office (6nc-educ.jimu@jh.ncgm.go.jp). 

Animal experimenters are obligated to objectively judge the degree of pain experienced by experimental animals as a result of planned experimental procedures, and to take measures to alleviate the pain. Based on the "SCAW classification", which is widely used as a standard in Japan and overseas, we will explain how to judge the degree of pain in experimental animals due to animal experimental procedures, and also explain perioperative management in highly painful surgeries. 

PDF of the PowerPoint document used in this video is available for download. Click on the following link to download.

click here for PDF ]

For content inquiries, please contact the central office (6nc-educ.jimu@jh.ncgm.go.jp). 

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