Cancer Genomic Medicine: the Practice in Japan トップ へ戻る

Algorithms for C-CAT results

Information on the topics listed on this slide will be presented in the lecture.
1.Significance of mutations, evidence level classification
2.Explanation of C-CAT Findings results
3.Knowledge database and report logic
4.Knowledge database curation
5.Medical search portal

Information on the topics listed on this slide will be presented in the lecture.
1.Significance of mutations, evidence level classification
2.Explanation of C-CAT Findings results
3.Knowledge database and report logic
4.Knowledge database curation
5.Medical search portal

ユーザー評価 13 人の評価



    とても役に立った 1
    やや役に立った 2
    どちらとも言えない 3
    あまり役に立たなかった 4
    役に立たなかった 5



    易しい 1
    やや易しい 2
    普通 3
    やや難しい 4
    難しい 5
