Cancer Genomic Medicine: Essential Course トップ へ戻る

Procedures and Interpretation of Next Generation Sequencing Results

1. Characteristics of gene panel tests and interpretation of the results
2. Pathogenic significance of detected mutations
3. Mutations and associated therapeutic agents
4. Candidate drugs and their evidence levels

1. Characteristics of gene panel tests and interpretation of the results
2. Pathogenic significance of detected mutations
3. Mutations and associated therapeutic agents
4. Candidate drugs and their evidence levels

ユーザー評価 27 人の評価



    とても役に立った 1
    やや役に立った 2
    どちらとも言えない 3
    あまり役に立たなかった 4
    役に立たなかった 5



    易しい 1
    やや易しい 2
    普通 3
    やや難しい 4
    難しい 5
