
NCBN operates a biobank that takes advantage of the characteristics of each NC, and has created a system to provide collected specimens and information to academia and companies. In addition to disease names, information on common medical interviews and a variety of specimens are catalogued and made available to the public. As one of the three major biobanks in Japan, as of the end of 2023, the NCBN has 130,000 registered patients and 480,000 samples, which can be used for both clinical and basic research. Please take a look at the video introducing our activities at NCBN. For content inquiries, please contact the central office(6nc-educ.jimu@jh.ncgm.go.jp). 
NCBN operates a biobank that takes advantage of the characteristics of each NC, and has created a system to provide collected specimens and information to academia and companies. In addition to disease names, information on common medical interviews and a variety of specimens are catalogued and made available to the public. As one of the three major biobanks in Japan, as of the end of 2023, the NCBN has 130,000 registered patients and 480,000 samples, which can be used for both clinical and basic research. Please take a look at the video introducing our activities at NCBN. For content inquiries, please contact the central office(6nc-educ.jimu@jh.ncgm.go.jp). 

ユーザー評価 12 人の評価



    とても役に立った 1
    やや役に立った 2
    どちらとも言えない 3
    あまり役に立たなかった 4
    役に立たなかった 5



    易しい 1
    やや易しい 2
    普通 3
    やや難しい 4
    難しい 5
