ATLAS Monthly Webinar
This is a seminar series focused on sharing the latest topics in comprehensive cancer knowledge, targeting physicians, researchers, and clinical trial professionals. The series covers a wide range of topics, from basic research to treatment and clinical trial.
Click here for the latest plans.
This is a seminar series focused on sharing the latest topics in comprehensive cancer knowledge, targeting physicians, researchers, and clinical trial professionals. The series covers a wide range of topics, from basic research to treatment and clinical trial.
Click here for the latest plans.
[Part 1] Opening Remarks and Introduction of ATLAS: Head and Neck Cancer
[Part 1] Opening Remarks and Introduction of ATLAS: Head and Neck Cancer
[Topic] Head and Neck Cancer[Date] 31 Jul 2024 [Part 1] Opening Remarks and Introduction of ATLAS[Speaker] Dr. Yuta Sekino(National Cancer Center Hospital, Japan)
[Part 2] Immunotherapy and novel approaches in HNSCC (head and neck squamous cell carcinoma): Head and Neck Cancer
[Part 2] Immunotherapy and novel approaches in HNSCC (head and neck squamous cell carcinoma): Head and Neck Cancer
[Topic] Head and Neck Cancer[Date] 31 Jul 2024 [Part2] Lecture1: Immunotherapy and novel approaches in HNSCC (head and neck squamous cell carcinoma)[Speaker] Dr Ang Mei-Kim(Division of Medical Oncology, National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore)
[Part 3] From global to local: Malaysia's experience in clinical trials in head and neck cancer Facilitator + Discussion: Head and Neck Cancer
[Part 3] From global to local: Malaysia's experience in clinical trials in head and neck cancer Facilitator + Discussion: Head and Neck Cancer
[Topic] Head and Neck Cancer[Date] 31 Jul 2024 [Part 3] Lecture2: From global to local: Malaysia's experience in clinical trials in head and neck cancer [Speaker]Dr. Wan Zamaniah Wan Ishak(University of Malaya Clinical Oncology, Malaysia)Discussion[Facilitator]Dr. Lim Wan Teck Darren(Division of Medical Oncology, National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore)[Participants]Dr. Ang Mei-Kim(Division of Medical Oncology, National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore)Dr. Wan Zamaniah Wan Ishak(University of Malaya Clinical Oncology, Malaysia)
[Part 1] Opening Remarks and Introduction of ATLAS: Lung Cancer
[Part 1] Opening Remarks and Introduction of ATLAS: Lung Cancer
[Topic] Lung Cancer[Date]26 Aug 2024 [Part 1] Opening Remarks and Introduction of ATLAS[Speaker] Dr. Yuta Sekino(National Cancer Center Hospital, Japan)
[Part 2] Recent advance in treatment for early-stage non-small cell lung cancer: Lung Cancer
[Part 2] Recent advance in treatment for early-stage non-small cell lung cancer: Lung Cancer
[Topic] Lung Cancer[Date]26 Aug 2024 [Part2] Lecture1: Recent advance in treatment for early-stage non-small cell lung cancer[Speaker] Dr. Hidehito Horinouchi(Department of Thoracic Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital, Japan)
[Part 3] Lung Cancer screening program utilizing CT scans in South Korea: Lung Cancer
[Part 3] Lung Cancer screening program utilizing CT scans in South Korea: Lung Cancer
[Topic] Lung Cancer[Date]26 Aug 2024[Part 3] Lecture2: Lung Cancer screening program utilizing CT scans in South Korea: Lung Cancer [Speaker]Dr. Yeon Wook Kim(Department of Internal Medicine Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, South Korea)Please note: Due to technical issues during recording, portions of this video may experience audio and visual distortions. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
[Part 4]Discussion: Lung Cancer
[Part 4]Discussion: Lung Cancer
[Topic] Lung Cancer[Date]26 Aug 2024 [Part 4] Discussion [Facilitator]Dr. Hidehito Horinouchi(Department of Thoracic Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital, Japan)[Participants]Dr. Yeon Wook Kim(Department of Internal Medicine Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, South Korea)
[Part 1] Opening Remarks and Introduction of ATLAS: Malignancy in People Living with HIV
[Part 1] Opening Remarks and Introduction of ATLAS: Malignancy in People Living with HIV
[Topic] Malignancy in People Living with HIV[Date] 14 Oct 2024 [Part 1] Opening Remarks and Introduction of ATLAS[Opening Remarks] Dr. Marcelo Severino B. Imasa(St. Luke’s Medical Center, Philippines)[Introduction of ATLAS]Dr. Yuta Sekino(National Cancer Center Hospital, Japan)
[Part 2] HIV associated malignancies: Malignancy in People Living with HIV
[Part 2] HIV associated malignancies: Malignancy in People Living with HIV
[Topic] Malignancy in People Living with HIV[Date] 14 Oct 2024[Part2] Lecture1: HIV associated malignancies[Speaker] Dr. Jay T. Datukan(St. Luke’s Medical Center, Philippines)
[Part 3] HIV and Malignancies: Challenges in Diagnosis and Management: Malignancy in People Living with HIV
[Part 3] HIV and Malignancies: Challenges in Diagnosis and Management: Malignancy in People Living with HIV
[Topic] Malignancy in People Living with HIV[Date] 14 Oct 2024[Part 3] Lecture2: HIV and Malignancies: Challenges in Diagnosis and Management[Speaker]Dr. Gelza Mae Zabat(St. Luke’s Medical Center, Philippines)
[Part 4] Discussion : Malignancy in People Living with HIV
[Part 4] Discussion : Malignancy in People Living with HIV
[Topic] Malignancy in People Living with HIV[Date] 14 Oct 2024[Part 4] Disscusion[Facilitator] Dr. Jose Jasper Andal(St. Luke’s Medical Center, Philippines) [Participants]Dr. Jay T. Datukan(St. Luke’s Medical Center, Philippines)Dr. Gelza Mae Zabat(St. Luke’s Medical Center, Philippines)
[Part 1] Opening Remarks and Introduction of ATLAS: Melanoma
[Part 1] Opening Remarks and Introduction of ATLAS: Melanoma
[Topic] Melanoma[Date] 26 Nov 2024[Part 1] Opening Remarks and Introduction of ATLAS[Opening Remarks]Dr. Wonyoung Choi (National Cancer Center Korea, South Korea)[Introduction of ATLAS]Dr. Yuta Sekino (National Cancer Center Hospital, Japan)
[Part 2] Systemic treatment trajectories of malignant melanoma and future outlook: Melanoma
[Part 2] Systemic treatment trajectories of malignant melanoma and future outlook: Melanoma
[Topic] Melanoma[Date] 26 Nov 2024[Part2] Lecture1: Systemic treatment trajectories of malignant melanoma and future outlook[Speaker]Dr. Sang Joon Shin (Yonsei Cancer Center, South Korea)
[Part 3] Currently systemic therapies for melanoma in Viet Nam: Melanoma
[Part 3] Currently systemic therapies for melanoma in Viet Nam: Melanoma
[Topic] Melanoma[Date] 26 Nov 2024[Part 3] Lecture2: Currently systemic therapies for melanoma in Viet Nam[Speaker]Dr. Nguyen Hoang-Quy (HCMC Oncology Hospital, Viet Nam)
[Part 4] Discussion : Melanoma
[Part 4] Discussion : Melanoma
[Topic] Melanoma[Date] 26 Nov 2024[Part 4] Disscusion[Facilitator]Dr. Wonyoung Choi (National Cancer Center Korea, South Korea)[Participants]Dr. Sang Joon Shin (Yonsei Cancer Center, South Korea)Dr. Nguyen Hoang-Quy (HCMC Oncology Hospital, Viet Nam)
[Part 1] Opening Remarks and Introduction of ATLAS: Radiation Oncology
[Part 1] Opening Remarks and Introduction of ATLAS: Radiation Oncology
[Topic] Radiation Oncology[Date] 26 Dec 2024[Part 1] Opening Remarks and Introduction of ATLAS[Opening Remarks]Dr. Charuwan Akewanlop(Division of Medical Oncology, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Thailand)[Introduction of ATLAS]Dr. Yuta Sekino(National Cancer Center Hospital, Japan)
[Part 2] MR-Linac Experience from Siriraj Hospital: Radiation Oncology
[Part 2] MR-Linac Experience from Siriraj Hospital: Radiation Oncology
[Topic] Radiation Oncology[Date] 26 Dec 2024[Part2] Lecture1: MR-Linac Experience from Siriraj Hospital[Speaker]Dr. Wajana Thaweerat(Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Thailand)
[Part 3] BNCT for Head and Neck: Radiation Oncology
[Part 3] BNCT for Head and Neck: Radiation Oncology
[Topic] Radiation Oncology[Date] 26 Dec 2024[Part 3] Lecture2: BNCT for Head and Neck[Speaker]Dr. Satoshi Takeno(Kansai BNCT Medical Center, Japan)
[Part 4] Discussion: Radiation Oncology
[Part 4] Discussion: Radiation Oncology
[Topic] Radiation Oncology[Date] 26 Dec 2024[Part 4] Disscusion[Facilitator]Dr. Pittaya Dankulchai(Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Thailand)Dr. Keiji Nihei(Kansai BNCT Medical Center Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Radiation Oncology, Japan)[Participants]Dr. Wajana Thaweerat(Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Thailand)Dr. Satoshi Takeno(Kansai BNCT Medical Center, Japan)[Closing Remarks]Dr. Charuwan Akewanlop(Division of Medical Oncology, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Thailand)