This lecture will introduce the National Platform of Cancer Genomic Medicine in Japan.

  1. 1. Center for Cancer Genomics and Advanced Therapeutics: C-CAT
  2. 2. Official scheme of basket-type off-label use
  3. 3. Medical and research use of C-CAT “real-world” data

This lecture will introduce the National Platform of Cancer Genomic Medicine in Japan.

  1. 1. Center for Cancer Genomics and Advanced Therapeutics: C-CAT
  2. 2. Official scheme of basket-type off-label use
  3. 3. Medical and research use of C-CAT “real-world” data

User evaluation Evaluated by 18 people



    Very useful 1
    Useful 2
    Neither 3
    Not very useful 4
    Not useful 5



    Very Easy 1
    Easy 2
    Moderate 3
    Difficult 4
    Very difficult 5

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